New Normal

Day 4
Hi it's me Naima Putri Hasibuan

Oke,  let's we talk about new normal. 
What is new normal? 
New normal is a significant change in the prevailing situation when it has emerged recently.
The 'new normal' discourse sanitizes the idea that our present is okay because normal is regular. Yes, there may be public health challenges, but these are issues that can be managed. We accept life under the omnipresent threat of disease as ordinary. But what exactly is normal about this pandemic? It is not normal for society en masse to be isolated, but if this is normal, then we are supposed to have control of the situation. Even if we feel loss or despair, we are expected to get used to it — accepting that this morbid reality is now standard.
So, these are important items that we have to prepare when we go out from house. 
1. Mask
2. Hand sanitizer
3. Tissue ( wet/dry)
4. Suplies worship
5. Feeing equipment

Keep healthy😊



  1. Terimakasih sudah mewakili untuk turun ke masyarakat memakaikan masker, benar2 sangat dibutuhkan sprt mu teman, melihat kondisi negri kita ini yg tak kunjung aman

  2. Wah.. makasih infonya.. jadi lebih paham

  3. Terimakasih buat informasinya, jadi semakin tau tentang new normal


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